I had another funny blog entry that I was going to post today, but it just didn't feel like a good time to post it. I need to wait for a few more readers...otherwise it won't make sense.
So to keep you entertained until that happens...here's an early week Mini-Random Thoughts edition:
1. So the Karate Kid is a bona-fide hit already grossing more than the estimated budget of $40mm. Now you know what that means...we'll be getting a Karate Kid 2.
That got me thinking. How many original non-comic book and non-horror movies that spawned a sequel were remade or reimaged to such rousing success that the redo's spawned their own sequels? I mean take away your 'Batman's'...your 'Halloween's'...'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre'...what do you have left? Can't think of many can you?
Well, I did some research and although many remakes/redo's/reimagings (or whatever you want to call them) were done where the original had sequels - see 'Planet of the Apes' and 'Psycho' - you'd be hard pressed to find a non-comic book or non-horror movie that emulates 'The Karate Kid'.
As a matter of fact, I could only find one...keep reading to find the answer below.
2. You ever see or hear something and think to yourself...what a simple, yet brillant idea...then ask yourself, "Why didn't I think of that?".
Well my list goes as follows:
a) A TV show centered around a fantasy football league.
b) A movie about two guys who crash weddings.
c) A rap song names "Whoa".
3. I was in Atlantic City in a casino during the US-England world cup match on Saturday afternoon. I was walking around with my girlfriend, while trying to follow the game on my phone, and I see the Brits score an early goal. The U.S. team is down 1-0 and things aren't looking good. Then sometime around the 40th minute, I just hear a loud roar in the casino.
My girlfriend wondered aloud, "Wow, somebody must have won big."
I said no...I bet it's the soccer game. So I quickly look at my phone and refresh the ESPN webpage...1-1. Yep, that cheer was for Clint Dempsey's goal.
And that's how much people were into the soccer game...
4. Why was I in Atlantic City for the weekend? Well let's just say the girlfriend is a big Backstreet Boys fan and they happened to be performing at the Taj Mahal (The things you do for love). So yours truly and a packed house made up of roughly 85% screaming ladies watched the BSB sing all their classics (Ok, I'll admit it...I'm a fan too). As I looked around, I thought to myself...'the odds here are definitely in a guys favor to pick up some chicks."
Well apparently a group of six other guys thought the same exact thing. They came as a group (not a single female friend among them) and prompty ran around hitting on every chick in the immediate vicinity (and some out of)...while dancing and singing along to the songs like true die-hard fans. Too bad they got kicked out for reasons unknown (being too rowdy? Sneaking into the wrong sections that they didn't pay for?? I don't know).
But seriously, how embarrasing is it to tell people that you not only went to a Backstreet Boys concert ten years after they were famous, but you also got kicked out of a Backstreet boys concert ten years after they were famous.
Anyway, the highlight of the show happened as the restless crowd waited for BSB to come out to the stage. The theater was playing music over the speaker system and the crowd was bored. Then Lady Gaga 'Bad Romance' came on. And the first thing you notice is a blond chick stand up in the lower section (say 15 rows back from the front...it wasn't a big theater) and start performing the dance from the 'Bad Romance' video. It's mildly entertaining and the girl is pretty good. She's memorized the video. She doing her thing. You think she's just going to do a few seconds...maybe a minute. But no...she just keeps going and going. Yep, she's doing the entire song. Slowly, all eyes dart towards her and the fans sitting around her move away so she can slide her way to the middle aisle. Now she has more room to really get into the dance. But she's still only decent-good. Then out of nowhere...a male that can only be described as flamboyant pops out from the upper rows. And in complete sychronicity, the one man Gaga dance show becomes two. And the guy absolutely crushes it. Even I was impressed. Now the whole crowd is really getting into it. People are screaming, clapping, even taking pictures and film. Just as it's getting really good a security guard comes in and puts the kibash on the show. And the crowd boos...it was insane. You really had to be there. It was the highlight of the show. I'm trying to find it on YouTube, but there doesn't seem to be any video of it. But trust me when I say...that dude killed it.
And just to show you that I am a proud BSB fan. Here are my three favorite BSB songs:
a) "All I Have to Give" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZN0SaNiAhvk&feature=channel
b) "I Want It That Way" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fndeDfaWCg
c) "Shape of My Heart" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dx-hOveXGs
Check back Friday for another blog update...oh yea, and the answer is:
8 years ago
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