Thursday, April 22, 2010

Weekly Random Thoughts: 4/23/10

1. My buddy Parker called and left me a message the other day. He said, “I’m soooo glad you didn’t pick up the phone.” Thanks Parker. Love you too.

2. I won one free ticket to the 2nd and 3rd round of the NFL draft on Friday. Now I don’t know if I should go, since it’s only one ticket. Am I supposed to go by myself and just watch the draft unfold? That doesn’t sound too fun. Plus; isn’t that why they invented the TV, so you wouldn’t have to go watch these types of events by yourself?

3. Speaking of the NFL draft, I hope the New York Giants get Rolando McClain. We desperately need a leader on defense to replace Antonio Pierce. Signing Antrel Rolle was nice, but this would be much sweeter.

4. Speaking of New York sport teams. Thank god the Mets have Mike Pelfrey. He’s basically the team MVP so far leading the team in practically every category (wins, ERA, innings pitched, saves, and he’s even batting .500). Pelfrey’s won or saved in four or the teams’ six wins, that’s accounting for 67% of the wins for the year.

5. Is there any worse feeling that getting old? I was playing basketball the other day and I basically stood there the entire time with my brain wanting to do one thing, but my body saying, “No, can’t do it.”. And my body is still hurting from playing.
a. Sidenote – “Where did my jumper go?”

6. Is there a hotter black woman right now than Zoe Saldana?
a. PS – I want to see “The Losers”.

7. Ever watch “Human Target” on Fox? I think that show has potential to replace “24”.

8. I think “Glee” might be suffering from becoming too popular, too fast. The first two episodes of the season have been inconsistent. Seems like they are picking the songs first, and then writing the story around the songs. But shouldn’t it be the other way around?

9. This Saturday is “Hands on New York Day” ( I would really like to join, however I would have to pay money unless I’m part of a corporate sponsored team. This bothers me, because isn’t the point of volunteering to help out for free. You don’t get paid and you don’t have to pay. I mean I understand that the sponsors of the program have expenses (shovels, plants, etc), but isn’t that why they have corporate sponsors and other donors? Why should someone who wants to participate be forced to pay – shouldn’t it be optional? If I want to donate, I will. If I don’t, then I’m donating my time.

10. This must be the year of the blogs. Two buddies of mine are starting up their own blogs. I suggest you all check them out.
a. Hidden as a favor to the blogger...
c. And for the man who has been at this blog thing for awhile

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